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I’m on a mission to transform the stereotype of isolated, buttoned-up, unbending editors into an open and inclusive community for approachable, passionate, and values-driven freelance editors. Freelancing no longer needs to be a struggle when it’s redefined as growing alongside a supportive circle of women and nonbinary editors. This is what being a “modern editor” is all about: putting community over competition, sharing knowledge and connections, and building success by elevating writers’ voices.

Listen to “What is a Modern Editor” Podcast Episode

Are you ready?

You can write your freelance business story and thrive as an editor

You don’t have to do it alone. Let’s change the narrative and create a collaborative and supportive freelance business for years to come.

Personalized Support

1:1 Coaching

Get personalized guidance in your editing business with one-on-one coaching. We’ll work together to help you manage imposter syndrome, shift your mindset, enforce boundaries, and tackle anything else you need to help you achieve your goals.

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1:1 Coaching
Community Support

Freelance Editors Club

Join a supportive group of like-minded editors and get access to trainings, guest speakers, coworking sessions, a private community, and much more. Editors at all stages in business are welcome!

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Freelance Editors Club
Tune In

The Modern Editor Podcast

Join the conversation as I talk about all things editing and what it's like to run an editing business in today's world.

Listen Here
The Modern Editor Podcast

Trusted by Editors Like You:

Trans women, cis women, and nonbinary people comfortable in spaces centered on the experiences of women

woman sitting in front of laptop
Join the Club

Start and grow a thriving freelance editing business

Now is the best time to get the skills and confidence you need to launch your freelance editing business.

two women looking at a laptop
Business Coaching

Personalized support for freelance editors

Feeling stuck? Not sure how to move forward in your business? One-on-one coaching could be the way to get you back on track.


From the Podcast

Why Is It So Tough to Take Breaks?

There’s an emotional side to taking breaks from work that not enough people talk about. The truth is that we’re so used to working (and feeling guilty when we don’t) that our brains fight us every step of the way. We end up either never taking breaks or taking breaks that aren’t restorative. So how do you prepare your mindset to take the break you deserve as both a small business owner and a human?